1. Advisory Board

  • Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, Indonesia
  • Ministry of Communication and Informations Technology, Indonesia
  • Rector of Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia
  • Head of Smart City & Community Innovation Center Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia

2. General Chair

Prof. Suhono Harso Supangkat (Bandung Institute of Technology)

3. Organizing Committee

Dr. Fadhil Hidayat (Bandung Institute of Technology)

4. Steering Committee

  • Prof. Jaka Sembiring (Bandung Institute of Technology)
  • Dr. Arry Akhmad Arman (Bandung Institute of Technology)
  • Prof. Suhardi (Bandung Institute of Technology)
  • Dr. Fetty Fitriyanti Lubis (Bandung Institute of Technology)
  • I Gusti Bagus Baskara Nugraha, Ph.D (Bandung Institute of Technology)
  • Dr. Yoanes Bandung (Bandung Institute of Technology)
  • Achmad Imam Kistijantoro, Ph.D (Bandung Institute of Technology)
  • Prof. Hammam Riza (National Research and Innovation Agency)

5. Technical Programme

  • Dr. Arry Akhmad Arman (Bandung Institute of Technology)
  • Dr. Fadhil Hidayat (Bandung Institute of Technology)
  • Hastie Audytra, S.Kom., MT (Bandung Institute of Technology)
  • Ir. Yusuf Ayuba, S.Kom., MM (Bandung Institute of Technology)
  • Ahmad Ali Hakam Dani, ST., MT (Bandung Institute of Technology)
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